Wednesday, 5 July 2023

1875 Exhibition at the Ocean House

 1875-10-02. Weekly Times


“The Boyton Life-Saving Apparatus : Exhibition at the Ocean House.”


Yesterday afternoon the Ocean House, the Beach and the Bay, presented a much-animated appearance. The afternoon was a lovely one, and the placid waters of Burlington Bay were dotted with craft of every description. The Florence and Dennis Bowen took down large crowds of passengers every trip, and the merry-go-rounds and other amusements on the Beach did a lively business.At about five o’clock Mr. Nurse left the Ocean House attended by a very large crowd. He took the water immediately opposite the hotel, and began to paddle out with his luggage behind him. He used his paddle with remarkable dexterity, running in and out of the crowd of boats with the greatest ease. He then paddled down to a raft moored off the Piers, and, unloosing his hammer, proceeded to set to work to hammer together some loose boards and otherwise reconstruct his raft. He then got on the raft, and proceeded to finish his frail vessel. A fishing rod was handed to him and he commenced to fish for the wily bass. The portmanteau was then unpacked and the cups and saucers  arranged on the raft. A flask of whiskey, among other things, making its appearance, from which the exhibitor took a good drink. In a little time a fine fish was hooked, which was landed with remarkable ease as it weighed about four pounds. Of course there were some among the crowd surrounding who remarked that the fish had been hooked before – but there always will be sceptics. He then proceeded to kill and clean the fish, and having it cut up into pieces, proceeded to cook it by means of a small lamp cooking-stove.Strange to say, though the fish was cut in half, the head part still jumped round in the most lively manner. The lamp being well-lighted, the fish in the pan soon began to fizzle and it was most evident that Mr. Nurse was about to enjoy a good tea. The fish, being done, Mr. Nurse kindly invited our reporter to tea, and the fish was excellent. Some ladies joined in the repast and pronounced it first rate. Tea being finished, Mr. Nurse proceeded to pack up, and then again betook himself to the water, paddling towards the piers . Arrived close to them, the whiskey bottle was again called into requisition, and a cigar case was produced and a cigar lighted. After this, he produced a revolver and fired several shots. Hoisting the Union Jack on a flag staff, he started off again. In a little time he shipped his sail, but there being no wind, Mr. Nurse was unable to illustrate its working. Gliding tranquilly along, he commenced to read a newspaper. Then, fully inflating the apparatus, which before had only been half-inflated, he proceeded to rescue a lad who had jumped off the piers, carrying him with the greatest ease, and padding back to the Ocean House. This concluded the exhibition, the results of which were of the most satisfactory character.