Late in the month of May, 1879, demolition operations commenced on the Court House, located on the large parcel of public property between Hughson and John, and Main and Jackson streets in Hamilton’s downtown core.
That court house had been built in 1825, had been recently condemned by the provincial and an upgraded replacement court facility was needed. Plans for the larger building were drawn up by architect C. W. Mulligan, of Hamilton.
On August 17, 1877, the corner stone of Hamilton’s new court house was laid, with Masonic honors, by Past Grand Master James Seymour, of the Grand Lodge, A.F. and A. M. of Canada.
Built of Ohio stone, the new Court House was imposing both in size and design.
The main entrance was a bold portico, supported by four columns enriched with carved capitals.
Immediately opposite the entrance was the County Council Chamber, while the rest of the first floor was connected by an 18 foot wide corridor, running, east – west, the length of the building,
Along the corridor were doors to a large number of offices for Wentworth County officials. Also on the first floor were the law library.
In an article appearing in the Weekly Times appearing on September 11, 1879 under the headline “The Hamilton Court House : The Old and New,” it was noted that the library rooms were “controlled by the Bar of the County of Wentworth, they having subscribed in conjunction with the county some thousands of dollars for the purchase of a law library.”
All ceilings on the first floor were seventeen feet high.
On the second floor of the court house, the main court room was located, reached from the first floor by a wide staircase. The main court room as described by the Times reporter was “well-lighted from the north and south from a dome light in the centre.”
The room’s dimensions were 62 feet wide by 72 feet long, with a 30 foot high ceiling.
The court room ceiling was particularly notable. The Times reporter enthusiastically described it as being “one of the neatest and finest designed that we have for some time witnessed; it is divided into panels both circular and square by a very bold and rich moulding, the cave being stopped by a bold and spirited cornice enhanced with modillion block and dentils.”
Generally, the furniture and fittings in the main court room were made of black walnut, particularly the Judge’s Bench, which was described as being “finely worked in black walnut paneling, crowned by a bold canopy supported by enriched columns.”
The Times reporter was especially complimentary about the work of the young architect, C. W. Mulligan : “in the entire building and in every minor detail, Mr. Mulligan has shown taste seldom to be met with in a gentleman apparently so young, but though young in years, the Hamilton Court House is a proof that in his profession, he is a veteran and a skilled one too.”
Prince’s Square, the open space in front of the court house, underwent a major transformation in 1879, under the supervision of Thomas Kilvington.
The pond in the middle of the square was filled in and all the grassy areas returfed. The trees, in the square, in particular the one planted by the Prince of Wales during his visit in 1860, were properly trimmed for the first time in many years. New gravel walkways were also put in the square.
The rehabilitation of Prince’s Square was timely because early in September, 1879, the new Court House was to be officially opened with an elaborate ceremony to be held on the square. Canada’s new Governor-General, the Marquis of Lorne and his wife, Princess Louise, daughter of Queen Victoria, were the guests invited to formally dedicate the new building.
The timing of the governor-general’s visit was a controversial topic of conversation around the city. Many felt that there was not enough time to adequately prepare for such an important visit by the country’s formal head of state. It was feared that Hamilton would not be able to put its best foot forward on such short notice and would be ridiculed for its shortcomings.
A Spectator’s editorial headlined “Today’s Reception,” appearing in morning of Monday, September 15, 1879, the day of the governor-general visit, dealt with the controversy in some detail.
While acknowledging that there had been some dissension, “there was never a moment’s danger from that source, however. Hamiltonians disagree with as much earnestness as other public over public matters, but their disagreement never takes a personal form. The breezy little controversy, in fact, did a vast amount of good, the unanimous conclusion reached was that the Governor-General of Canada and the daughter of Queen Victoria should not visit Hamilton without being fittingly received.”
The editorial writer went on to rhetorically pose the question, “Is all this display nonsense?”
The answer given was that a public demonstration of loyalty to the governor-general as Canada’s ceremonial head of state and personal representative of the Queen of England would have very practical benefits :
“Loyal devotion to the head of State is proof that the liberties of the people are respected, and that the highest duties which a free people can entrust to the hands of any man are discharged with integrity and wisdom. His Excellency symbolizes the bonds which bind civilized communities together, which make it possible for men to liv together in peace under the sanction and protection of law.”
The editorial went on to affirm that the visit of the governor-general’s wife, Her Royal Highness, Princess Louise, was especially looked forward to by Hamiltonians:
“Perhaps, at bottom, it is a feeling of ‘welcome, lassie for your mither’s sake,’ and, as such, it must be that it is not that alone. The Princess is welcome for her own sake. Her gracious ways, her winning manners and her refined intelligence have not passed unrecognized among us. In honoring her, we express our admiration for cultured womanhood.”
The visit of the governor-general and his wife to Hamilton was seen as an important milestone in the city’s progress.
The editorial urged all citizens to do all they could to decorate their homes and businesses for the occasion :
“Every public building, every factory, store, shop and dwelling in some way or other should be made to indicate that those who own it or dwell therein share in the general welcome. Flags, bunting, streamers and fitting devices are within the reach of all, and should be made to do duty. The streets should present a thorough gala day appearance and the people should be abroad and take part in the festivity.”
The weekend before the governor-general’s visit, people all over the city had been busily decorating their homes of places of business with evergreen boughs and with all types of flags, banners and bunting. The Weekly Times reported that “the merchants and citizens generally, having once put their shoulders to the wheel, did everything in their power to prove untrue the repeatedly expressed opinion that the city would present a tame appearance.”
Of particular note were the decorations on the Stuart street Customs House. Mr. T. C. Mewburn, Inspector of Customs, had come to the decision that in spite of the somewhat out of the way location of the Customs House, his building would not take a back seat to any other public building in the city in the way of decorations.
In the Spectator coverage of the visit, headlined “Hamilton’s Welcome : To the Governor-General and Princess Louise,” the decorations of the Customs House were described as follows :
“Over the façade, a crown, composed of numerous gas jets was displayed with the letters V. R. on either side. The pillars were festooned with evergreens, floral anchors being pendant from the wreath in the centre, the whole surmounted by an elegant floral crown. The front of the building was illuminated with red, white and blue lights the whole length and the initials L. L.”
All the downtown businesses were gaily decorated but the fancy goods establishment of Mr. William Herman at 98 King Street East was notable :
“Hanging from a window over Mr. Herman’s store on King street was a flag of the new German empire. In the centre of the flag was a well-executed representation of the Prussian eagle and the letters F. R. (Frederick Rex). In the upper left hand corner was an iron cross. This flag, it is said, is the first one of the new design in Hamilton.”
The day before the governor-general’s visit, Sunday, September 16, 1879, Hamilton had experienced a bout of extremely inclement weather which, according to the Spectator, had “dampened the spirits of many who had been earnestly hoping for ‘Queen’s weather” in which to welcome the Queen’s daughter and her distinguished husband, and it was feared that today there would be but a sorry apology for a reception from the inhabitants of this portion of Her Majesty’s dominions.”
The worst fears of the citizens about the weather were dispelled when the sun rose gloriously over the lake on the day of the big event.
As described in the Weekly Times, “as the morning of today dawned and as the sun shone brightly down from an almost unclouded sky, expectant holiday makers breathed more freely. The early morning sun was rather cold, but the piercing rays of a September sun soon rendered the day as pleasant as one could well wish for a holiday outing.”
Visitors from all over the surrounding communities, the Times explained, swarmed to Hamilton to take part in the festivities:
“From eastward and west, for many miles, the Great Western Railway Co. had made arrangements for bringing visitors to the city; and from the north and south, the Hamilton and Northwestern Railway Co. had made equally complete arrangements. Hundreds of the citizens of St. Catherines, Clifton, Merriton, Beamsville, Paris, Dundas, Burlington, Milton, Georgetown, Caledonia, Hagersville, Port Dover and other places of less pretensions both in the vicinity of Hamilton, and at a greater distance than the centres of population named took advantage of the cheap trips by rail, whilst equally large numbers visited the city from near and distant townships, every variety of vehicle, from the two-wheeled buggy to the fashionable barouche, being called into requisition. The H. and D. Street Railway, too, never did such an extensive traffic since its opening, and to see the crowds arriving by it, one would have divined that the Valley City had for a time been deserted.”
Hamilton’s downtown thoroughfares were crowded all morning. The Times reporter observed large numbers of sightseers promenading the streets, enjoying the decorations : “smiling-faced holiday makers all arrayed in appropriate costume – but more particularly so the ladies – and without so much as an evidence of the ‘hard time’ cry exhibited on any hand, with the badge-bedecked members of the national societies, the smartly-attired members of the 13th battalion and the H. F. B., the enlivening and beautiful music of the famous band of the Thirteenth and other bands, and the spirited strains of the bagpipes which were decidedly necessary on such a day as this.”
As described vividly in the Times, around the hour of 10 a.m., people began to assemble at the Great Western Railway station to await the arrival of the governor-general’s special train : “the fences were covered, all the windows of the buildings on the south side of Stuart street were occupied, and the platform proper was thoroughly jammed; it was with the utmost difficulty that the Company’s employees, moving up and down on business, could squeeze their way through. The entrance-by-ticket idea here was a perfect farce, as the Railway authorities could not exclude the Public when their regular trains were due.”
At precisely 12 noon, a pilot engine came steaming into the station. It was the “avaunt courier” of the Vice-Regal train, which, moments later, made its appearance.
The excitement which pervaded when the train stopped was vividly described by the Spectator reporter on hand : “as the train drew up to the platform, three hearty cheers were given at the call of His Worship Mayor O’Reilly, while the guns of the Field Battery thundered forth a salute of welcome. For a moment a deep silence prevailed, and then, as his Excellency and her Royal Highness descended from the car, the vast crowd broke forth in one ringing shout of welcome.”
The vice-regal party made its way to the dais set up by the railway station where they were cordially greeted by Mayor O’Reilly, who proceeded to present the city’s formal address of welcome.
In the address, the mayor expressed his city’s loyalty to Queen Victoria, “under whose beneficent reign we enjoy, to the fullest extent, the blessings of constitutional liberty and government.”
The mayor also passed on the desire of the German community in Hamilton to express their loyalty to the Queen and her representative.
In his reply to the words of the Hamilton mayor, the governor-general noted that it was not his first visit to Hamilton, saying:
“For my part, it is with particular pleasure that I see the peaceful and prosperous aspect of your city, for when I was last among you, many years ago, your streets were placarded with notices asking for the services of nurses, who were unhappily at the time called for to attend the wounded, stricken down by a wanton and most wicked attack.”
The governor-general was pleased to accept the loyal sentiments
of the local German population, noting that
of the local German population, noting that
“Ontario is justly grateful to the Fatherland for the gift of many a stout German hand and honest German heart. In your successful efforts to establish a system of education which is, I believe, second to none, they, coming from a land where education is so justly valued, must give you their hearty co-operation. In the German primary industrial schools, an example is set us which we can well follow.”
After the speeches, a roar of cheering once again rose in the air.
The vice-regal party was then taken to Mr. John Proctor’s carriage to join in a procession to the Court House.
Drawn by a fine span of chestnut horses, the carriage, containing the governor-general and the princess, was, as described in the Times, the object of much close attention along the route of the procession : “the route on either side was lined by thousands of people, all dressed in their best, and all exhibiting, by their conduct and happy faces, the loyal and patriotic feelings which animated their breasts. Not only were the sidewalks lined with eager and happy crowds, but every available space, window and door, which permitted a good view of the cavalcade, was utilized – some even going to the trouble of perching on the sharp edges of board fences to obtain a view.”
The procession moved up the hill from the railway to James street, moved slowly towards to downtown core, circled Gore Park then finally arrived at the Prince’s Square in front of the Court House.
The Spectator man in the crowd described the scene as the Governor-General arrived as follows : “so great was the desire of the assembled multitude to obtain a view of the Governor-General and the daughter of our beloved Queen that the road in front of the square was filled with an impenetrable mass of people and the progress of their Excellencies’ carriage was very slow.”
The procession was forced to continue to John street, then turned south before finally entering Prince’s Square from the east : “while his Excellency and Her Royal Highness were alighting, the excitement was intense, and in spite of the endeavors of the police, the loyal citizens of Hamilton persisted in crowding forward that no incident and point of interest might be missed. As the party ascended to the platform, the people gave vent to their enthusiasm by repeated cheers.”
Mr. Thomas Stock, Warden of the County of Wentworth, was the first speaker, reading an address to the Governor-General on behalf of the citizens of the county which said, in part:
“That Your Excellency and Her Royal Highness are willing to take so prominent a part in the opening of our new Court House and Shire Hall will be a matter of pride and satisfaction to the people generally and will make notable an era in the history of our county. Fifty years have elapsed since the Court House, recently removed from the spot upon which we now stand, was sufficient for the public purposes of the extensive territory long known as the ‘Gore District’ of which Hamilton was the centre.
“The rapid progress of the country has rendered necessary the division of that District into five counties, each now flourishing as a populous and wealthy section, and the splendid building just erected by the Municipal authorities of the County of Wentworth and the City of Hamilton is an evidence at once of the steady growth of the County and of the munificence of the people.”
In his reply to Warden Stock, the governor-general said, in part:
“The Princess joins with men in the satisfaction we feel that we have been allowed to meet you at a time when many of you have been able to visit the city, and when we can join with you in the ceremony of the opening of the new Court House. In this building, you have a worthy centre for your populous district, which has, within so short a time been made to bear such rich and varied produce.”
Unexpectedly, a Mr. Bruce stepped onto the dais and read the following poem :
“Poetic Welcome from the People to His Excellency Sir John Douglas Campbell, K. T. C. M. G., Marquis of Lorne, and Her Royal Highness, the Princess Louise, on their visit to Hamilton, Ont., Sept. 15, 1879.”
From yonder isle, swept by the stormy seas,
Where tight and trim Britannia’s bulwarks ride,
The Campbell comes with regal pomp, to be,
The welcomed chief, to honor, to preside,
O’er freeborn men in all their British pride.
We hail thee, then, as heir to that great line
Which ever to the Empire true has been;
May friendship’s grasp forever meet with shine
On this fair land, so rich and varied in scene
And home of her, the daughter of our Queen.
The people’s hearts, unnumbered and untold,
Breathe love to thee and thine of royal fame;
May time and truth in unison unfold
The kindred fire and patriotic flame
That shoots aloft at mention of thy name.
No despot’s tread now desecrates the land,
But foot to foot, with bosom pressed to thine,
We greet thee here with a fraternal hand,
As one who would his most inmost soul intwine
Around the base of freedom’s sacred shrine.
The forest’s song, the shady brooks within –
The inland seas and rivers’ ceaseless roar,
All join with man, with one acclaim to win
The Highland heart of young McCailean Mohr
And his fair bride, now wafted to our shore.
O, may you be well worthy of your sires
To guard whate’er the foeman would despoil.
The weal of man is that which oft inspires
The fainting heart to fructify our toil
For then kind Heaven will bless the sacred soil.
Whilst that dear gem, the maple leaf, is seen
To woo the plume of Scotia spreading wide,
May England’s rose and Erin’s emblem green,
United, too, bloom with them side by side,
As freedom’s shield and Britain’s special pride.
Thrice welcome, then, we greet thee as the man
Who ne’er will cause thy fellow man to mourn,
So at the last the sage may wisely scan
The golden words of tribute on your urn –
“Here lies the good and noble Lord of Lourne.”
And thou, fair princess, ever dear to all,
No idle throne gives greeting by the way,
But man who yield to duty’s sacred call,
While throbbing hearts in unison do pray,
God bless you now, God bless you here today.
Major John Glasgow
The reading of Major Glasgow’s poem, according to the Spectator, caused consternation among the gentlemen on the platform:
“It must be confessed that the interlude was in execrable taste, and must have bored his Excellency and the Princess very much. The condemnation of the proceeding was very general and emphatic, as it deserved to be.”
The Spectator reporter also recounted an amusing incident which occurred after the addresses had been given : “Chief Waubuno and another red man in full Indian costume walked upon the dais and shook hands with Her Royal Highness, a performance which she appeared to enjoy very much as she laughed heartily.”
The official party then entered the new court house, and proceeded upstairs to the new main court room, where another address was presented by Miles O’Reilly, Esquire, on behalf of the local legal community.
O’Reilly, a lawyer, welcomed the distinguished visitors and asked His Excellency to officially open the building for public use.
The governor-general replied in a few words, saying;
“Ladies and gentlemen. I have very much pleasure in declaring this Court House now open to the public. In doing so, I wish to congratulate the people of Hamilton and Wentworth on having so beautiful and magnificent a building for the conduct of their legal business.”
The interior decorations of the Court House were described in some detail by the Spectator accompanying the vice-regal party :
“Hanging in the walls of the main halls, both downstairs and upstairs, were tastefully arranged rows of evergreens, among which were placed, in a very artistic manner, dahlias, gladiolus and other flowers. Bunches of mountain ash berries were also interspersed in the trimmings and produced a very pretty effect. In addition to the evergreens, rows of scarlet cloth were hanging in neatly arranged loops throughout the building, and blended harmoniously with the other ornaments.
“It was in the court room itself, however, that the most superb display was made. The magnificent room, when unadorned by any of the handsome decorations which graced it on this occasion, is universally admitted to be one of the most grand and imposing on the continent, and the appearance today was almost beyond description.”
After proceedings were completed at the Court House, the dignitaries were driven to Dundurn Castle, chosen as the vice-regal residence while the governor-general and his wife were in Hamilton. Yet another address was read to the governor-general at Dundurn when Bishop Fuller, of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara.
After just a few brief moments of relaxation, the governor-general and his wife were conveyed to the Central School on Hunter street.
A Spectator man was in the crowd at the school awaiting the dignitaries :
“Shortly after 3 o’clock, someone, standing on the corner of Park and Hunter streets, noticed the vice-regal carriage drive past on Main street, and immediately, word went round…’here they come.’ The school children, numbering about five hundred, had been previously arranged on seats built in the yard, and as their Excellencies drove in, the young people made the welkin ring with their loud cheers and hurrahs. They appeared to be fairly carried away with the excitement of the moment, and the Marquis and Princess could not help but be deeply touched by the enthusiastic reception with which they were greeted.”
Driving to the front entrance, the dignitaries were greeted by Mr. James Osbourne, chairman of the Hamilton Board of Education, who introduced the guests to the other members of his board on hand.
A schoolgirl, Miss Cummings, was a success with her presentation of a bouquet of flowers to Princess Louise.
The guests were also presented with a number of books, handsomely bound in blue velvet. The books, printed in the Spectator office, were bound in leather and contained copies of the record of the Hamilton schools.
After the ceremony was over, the guests took a walk about the Central school grounds, where they were showered with bouquets by the excited children, whose cheers could be heard many blocks away.
Finishing a quick tour of the school, the guests were then taken back to the carriage for a drive to the next stop on their itinerary, the Crystal Palace.
The Spectator delineated in some detail the magnificent display of flowers and fruit which the Horticultural Society had made in the Crystal Palace:
“Situated as Hamilton is, in the centre of one of the finest fruit growing counties in the world, but little difficulty had to be surmounted in order that a collection of fruit and flowers unsurpassable on the continent should be displayed before his Excellency and her Royal Highness.
“It need hardly be said that the palace had been most tastefully decorated, but its most beautiful decorations were the exhibits themselves, for His Excellency and the Princess Louise will, at no future time, and in no part of the Dominion – nay, it may be truthfully be added, in no part of the United States – see more excellent fruit or better vegetables.”
Upon the guests entering the Crystal Palace, the large crowd which had assembled began to cheer, while the Germania Society members of which were located in the gallery, struck up a song of welcome.
Adam Brown was present to make a speech about the Horticultural Society. In the course of his speech, Mr. Brown said:
“The Society has been successful in its mission, and has done much towards perfecting fruit culture and encouraging good taste in plants and flowers, as the scene around Your Excellency bears evidence – giving not alone health, enjoyment and reward to the workers, but educating by good influence both the intellect and the heart in teaching all to appreciate the bounty and perfection of this carpeted and fruitful earth and to revere the beneficent Creator of all.
“This will be the garland day of the Society, the day on which we were permitted to shower welcome on your Excellency and the daughter of our beloved Queen.
“Permit me to present to present to your Royal Highness, Miss Ethel Dundas O’Reilly, daughter of our worthy mayor, who begs your Highness’ acceptance of a basket of flowers.”
Miss O’Reilly then presented an immense bouquet to the Princess and followed her presentation with a graceful bow.
After touring the exhibits at the Crystal Palace were driven back to Dundurn Castle, for a short period of relaxation.
Following the setting of the sun, the illuminations which had been put up all week, were lighted, creating a magical finale to city’s day of welcoming the governor-general and his wife.
Gore Park was handsomely illuminated by gas lights. As described in the Spectator : “ a handsome row of gas jets completely encircled (the park) and over the gates were arches composed of gas jets of variegated lines.
“At the drinking fountain was displayed a crown of gas jets of dazzling brilliancy. The fountain the centre was flowing, and a circle of gas jets had been placed around it, and shining through the water, they produced a very handsome effect.
“The beauty of the scene was completed by a number of Chinese lanterns hung up here and there throughout the park.”
In the Weekly Times, the reporter noted that the Hamilton Gaslight Company deserved recognition for their efforts to decorate Gore Park :
“The quality of gas was excellent. Were it not for the storm on Sunday, which oxidized the burners to some extent, everything would have been faultless.”
The Spectator building, at Macnab and Market streets, was very well decorated, featuring an illuminated banner which bore the words, “Twenty Thousand Spectators Welcome Lorne and Louise.”
The major social event of the evening was the Drawing Room of Her Royal Highness, held at the Court House, a location which the Spectator reporter felt was excellent:
“The Court House is exceptionally handsome, and when it is considered that nearly four hundred of the most worthy citizens of Hamilton and the surrounding country, as well as many from a distance, were presented, it will be readily understood that the scene was a grandly effective one.”
Although the invitations had read “Full Dress,” the committee in charge of the drawing room had made representations to the Governor-General’s office that this stipulation should be relaxed so that more people could be able to attend the reception in the clothing they would normally wear to church.
This relaxation was granted so that in the words of the Spectator, “the sturdious yeoman and the industrious artisan could attend.”
After all had passed through the reception line at the new Court House, the governor-general and his wife were driven through the principal streets of Hamilton to enjoy the illuminations.
The following day, a Spectator congratulated Hamiltonians for the efforts made to make the governor-general’s visit a success:
“The decoration of the city was tasteful, without being pretentious, and was as general and meritorious as the short time for preparation would permit.
“The visit has left a sense of satisfaction and a feeling of confidence that the crown to which we are all loyal is worthily represented by the present occupant of the Vice-Regal office.”